Saturday, May 3, 2008

Designing for Online vs. Print (2)

Designing for Online vs. Print (2)

Priciples help designer determine the relationship between the parts or design elements involved and serve as rules that a designer can follow when combining these elements in a design (Evans, P. 2006). A designer have to understand the goal, audience and context in order to attract readers. Goals are very important to a print document designer because they need to be ubliseaware of what type of information are they going to published to the readers and the purpose of an article. Then, they need to know what type of the audience are for the specific print document. The context have to be suitable to the target audience. There are some design principles that a print document designer have to be aware of, which is hierarchy, balance, proximity, scale, unity, variety and texture. Unlike designing for an online document, a print document have their own design elements, such as shape, line, colour, type and imagery. For a print document, a designer main consideration is to understand that design is an effective communication, words, shapes and images are language. A design should be invisible which is complementary to the text (Cookman, B. 1993)


Nielson J.,

Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6 in Dynamics in document design.

Evans, Poppy 2006, ‘Chapter 2 and 5’ in Publication Design, Thomson-Delmar, New York.

Cookman, Brian 1993, ‘Dekstop design: getting the professional look’ in Design basics, Blueprint, London.

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